Thermal Imaging Services

What thermal imaging is

Thermal imaging, or thermal video, is a type of infrared imaging science. Thermographic cameras detect radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum (roughly 900–14,000 nanometers or 0.9–14 µm) and produce images of that radiation. Since infrared radiation is emitted by all objects based on their temperatures, according to the black body radiation law, thermography makes it possible to "see" one's environment with or without visible illumination. The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature, therefore thermography allows one to see variations in temperature (hence the name). When viewed by thermographic camera, warm objects stand out well against cooler backgrounds; humans and other warm-blooded animals become easily visible against the environment, day or night.

About Our System

The Thermal camera is used on either the helicopter or the pole cam. The unit works by sending the thermal images through a video transmitter onboard the Helicopter or pole to the ground to be taped and viewed in real time which also allows the cameraman to search and have a bird’s eye view of the situation. Generally taping is done on board the helicopter for a clean digital image but with the Thermal Cam the image is taped on a DV recorder on the ground for later viewing.

Our Thermal system can function in extreme conditions from below 0 to above 110 degrees and in winds up to 20 mph. One of the only weather conditions to limit the system use is rain or heavy snow most all other conditions would allow the system to function properly.

What We can use our thermal imaging cameras for:

Search and Rescue

The Thermal imaging camera is designed to work in day or night and to notice a temperature or image difference of 1 degree. This system can assist in search and rescue of a lost individual or of fugitives on the run. It also will be a valuable tool for seeing fire from the air where the hot spot is in a building without having to risk the life of a Fireman.

Septic System location

We have also used the Thermal camera to do septic system locates in which it is used on the pole cam to show you exactly where your septic tank, lines and drain field is. Most people don't have a clue where their septic system is and spend thousands to have someone come out and dig it up to see where the problem is. With this system we can show you where it is, how it is working and where it is blocked in a matter of minutes without even touching the ground, or your yard that you work so hard keeping beautiful.

Home Inspection

Since the thermal system can see heat or lack thereof, it is perfect for doing home inspections to see where your heat or air conditioning is escaping from your home. Thermal imaging can be used to validate the performance and quality of insulation in homes and commercial buildings. With the ever-increasing costs of heating, the return on investing in an energy audit and subsequent repairs becomes more and more compelling. Many homeowners today request thermo graphic inspection services as part of the overall home inspection program.

Electrical Inspection

Thermal cameras can see potential problems with your electrical that you don't even know are there. Visually inspect electrical systems for a wide range of problems including loose connections, corroded elements, load imbalance, short circuits and other potentially dangerous faults that typically create heat. Abnormal heating associated with high resistance or excessive current flow is a primary indicator of many problems in electrical systems.

Thermal imaging enables you to see the invisible thermal radiation that may portend impending damage before their condition becomes critical. When current flows in an electrical circuit, part of the electrical energy is converted into heat due to the inherent resistance in all conductive elements. The existence of abnormally high resistance in the circuit or high current flow will result in abnormally high levels of heat to be generated that can be quickly identified with a thermal imager avoiding potential damage to equipment or danger.

The greatest thing about the system is it eliminates putting someone at risk. Its an unmanned helicopter or a safe and stable pole with the ability to see in the dark or light by the use of heat signatures and cover large areas in minutes instead of hours which could be the difference between life or death.

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Remote piloted digital aerial imaging